Our Story (continued)

Mikey and I need Yimei to reunite with the family and live in the U.S. I desperately need continued treatment for my heart issues, and I am scared that I will not survive, leaving Mikey alone and relegated to be a ward of the state. Other than me, he has no family in the U.S. that would take care of him if God forbid I died. Further, I can not live in China, because I need medical attention. Mikey's mom and I do not want him to live in China due to oppression and human rights violations there, when there is freedom and opportunity in the U.S.

I sponsored my wife's U.S. immigrant visa to come to the U.S. with us. In late 2019, the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, China denied her visa based on a sham 2015 conviction by corrupt Chinese government officials, leaving us caught in a bureaucratic maze for the past 3.5 years. Please read Yimei's story on the following page.

Despite our tireless efforts, the US government has denied every attempt to secure permission to come to the U.S. While seemingly millions of people without visas or papers present themselves to the U.S. Border and are granted permission to enter the USA without processing. I have hired a lawyer to represent Yimei and myself. We have filed for Humanitarian Parole a couple of times, but unfortunately, each request was denied. These denials came even after evidence letters from my doctors, and Mikey's psycologist were stating in writing the urgency and necessity that Yimei be here in the USA not only for my health issues but for Mikey's development and psycological wellbeing.

On May 31, 2023, the Humanitarian Affairs Branch of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services denied the Humanitarian Parole application, Form I-131 from our last filing stating:

"You have failed to establish, by a preponderance of the evidence, urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit reasons that would justify a favorable exercise of discretion to parole the beneficiary into the United States. Furthermore, the derogatory information in the record is a significant negative factor when considering the totality of the circumstances to exercise discretion. Therefore, your request for parole is denied."

Our attorney believes this decision was made in error.

Our lawyer, who has practiced immigration law for over 30 years, believes that my wife Yimei qualifies for Humanitarian Parole. He indicates that he has personally seen immigrants with real hardcore convictions be allowed to remain in the U.S., and even allowed to get green cards, and obtain US citizenship.

So, why not my wife Yimei? Why is my family not allowed to live in peace together in the U.S.?

With that said, my family and I makes this desperate plea. If you are a person of faith and you are reading this story, together, Yimei, Mikey, and myself ask that you pray for our family and that through your prayers and support that God will make a way to bring my wife, and Mikey's mother here to us; that no mountain , nor Government, will stand in the way of God's will for our family.

We also ask that you would let your voices be heard by clicking this Important Notice page for the Government contact information.

Thank You!

>>>>>>>   Yimei's Story   >>>>>>>