Yimei's History With Zeng, Lin as Told in Sworn Testimony

Again, I would like state that I understand it is not uncommon for criminals to claim that they are innocent. However, I hope that after you read my story, which is the truth, that you will believe that I am a victim, and not a perpetrator. I am not a criminal, nor am I a threat to the United States. I am a loving and caring mother with a kind and giving heart who lovers her family with all my being. My family is my life. The following are the facts as they happened.


In October 2013, I worked as a part-time cashier in a hotel in Dafang County, Guizhou Province. It was also my hometown and birthplace. One day, I was eating in a restaurant and met a man named Zeng, Lin. After knowing each other for a while, we fell in love with each other.

With the consent of both parents, we cohabited with Zeng, Lin's mother in DaFang County. Two months later, I found that I was pregnant. I resigned from my work and became a housewife.

When I was 3 months pregnant, Zeng, Lin changed a lot. He often didn't come home and didn't work. Every time he went out it was for at least 3 days, and sometimes for 12 days. When Zen Lin went out, he would turn off my cell phone every time; blacklisted my parents phone numbers, including those of my relatives. No member of my family could find him. I couldn't stand his behavior. I wanted to confront him. But every time I talked with him, he would admit his mistake for being away from home for so long, apologize, or even be angry and hit the wall. If I dont forgive him, he will either threaten to commit suicide, swear, or sometimes hit me.

On October 2, 2014, Zeng Lin left for 12 days, and returned home on October 14, 2014 at 8:00 in the morning. I asked him where he had been for so many days. I told him that if the next time you don't come back, I will call the police and tell the police that you are missing. He was very angry. He said that "he was tired and hadn't slept for a few days". I didn't want to ask him anymore because he had a bad temper. If I kept asking, he would yell at me, and I worried he would hurt me.

Zeng Lin walked into the bedroom, I closed the door, and I went to the supermarket to buy vegetables. At about noon, I cooked the meal. I went to the bedroom and asked Zeng Lin to get up for dinner. His cell phone rang, and I heard him say, "I haven't slept for a few days. I'm very tired. I'll tell my girlfriend to give it to you later."

Zeng Lin hung up the phone. He told me "Not to eat first, but to go and give a shoulder bag to his friend, and he is going to give you 100 yuan that he borrowed from him."

My boyfriend, Zeng, Lin, gave me his cell phone. I didn't argue or ask questions.I didn't want to fight with Zeng, Lin. When I left the house, the cell phone rang and it was Zeng, Lin's friend. He told me where to meet him. When I met him, the boy took a cigarette box out of the shoulder bag, and a black plastic bag that was in the cigarette box. Then the boy put the box back in the shoulder bag and gave the shoulder bag back to me with the 100 yuan my boyfriend lent him.

When I turned around to leave and go home, the Public Security Bureau (police) confronted me and grabbed my hand and took me to the police car. The police began to get rough with me and put me in handcuffs. The police took my belongings and searched the shoulder bag. They took the box my boyfriend put in the bag, his cell phone, and my cell phone. I asked the police what was going on and why they were putting me in handcuffs. The police said my boyfriend was selling drugs. The police kept pressuring me to take them to my boyfriend Zeng Lin. The police said I wasn't a target and that they wanted my boyfriend. The police told me if I took them to my boyfriend that I would not be arrested. I rode in the police car to where we lived. But Zeng Lin's mother told the police that he had left and didn't know when he would be home.

It was because my boyfriend Zeng, Lin wasn't apprehended that I was taken to the police station and interrogated relentlessly. I was put in confinement. I was not allowed to call my parents, and I was not allowed to have a meal for over 12 hours. I was pregnant and this was extremely hard on me. In my opinion, because the police didn't have their intended target, my soon to be ex-boyfriend, that they needed me to save face even though they knew I was innocent.

I do not know any lawyers, nor do my parents if I was allowed to call. But the police confiscated my cell phone and my boyfriend Zeng Lin's cell phone. The police would not allow me to use the phone in the police station. The police were pressuring me to confess. I was not going to confess to something I did not know was taking place. The police insisted that if I confess, there would not be a severe punishment.

I could not take any more of the intense pressure. I was mentally drained, and tired. I I gave the police what they wanted. I agreed with everything they were saying to me as the police wrote the report. I was scared of would happen to me if I didn't tell the police what they wanted me to say.

After the report, I was given my cell phone to call my parents. My parents immediately came to the police station. My parents fought with the police, and at one point my father was almost arrested. The police told my parents to take me home.

I left my boyfriend and was living with my parents. I was on home surveillance until my baby was one year old. Then, I was to report back to the police department. I reported back when my baby was one year old, and the police took me to the women's correctional facility to serve only 3 months. I was released.

I hate my ex-boyfriend Zeng, Lin for doing what he did to me. I had no knowledge of any of this. He used me as a pawn for his secretive illegal life. As far as I'm concerned, he needs to rot in prison for the rest of his life. I know he has ruined my life!

To stand with my wife Yimei, I would like to add my thoughts, and those of the several attorneys in Guiyang, Guizhou China that we have spoken with about what happened to Yimei and her case. Below is our group consensus.

To sum things up, it is apparent that this was a sting operation arranged between the DaFang County plain clothes Public Security Bureau and Zeng, Lin's friend who was arrested the day before. It could have possibly been a plea deal to get a lighter sentence or free from conviction. But for whatever reason, this was an attempt to apprehend and arrest the source, Zeng, Lin. However, the only thing that was not anticipated by this pre-arranged sting was that Zeng, Lin would not show up, rather his innocent girlfriend Yimei, that was pregnant with Zeng, Lin's baby, and who had no idea that she was doing something illegal ended up taking the box to the friend of Yimei's boyfriend Zeng Lin, who later that same day left town.

It is speculated that the plain clothes police already knew that there were drugs in the box that Zeng, Lin's friend gave back to Yimei with the 100 yuan. The analysis of the contents in the box wasn't reported until days later.

It is apparent that the plain clothes police were no doubt in close proximity to the friend of Zeng, Lin, and most likely had gone to the location together to wait for Zeng, Lin. But Yimei went to the location instead of Zeng, Lin, and this was something that Zeng, Lin's friend did not count on because it is believed that the friend knew Yimei was not involved in this at all, and that nothing could be said because the plain clothes police were most likely standing next to Zeng, Lin's friend when he was talking to Yimei on the cell phone.

The whole plan to arrest Zeng, Lin had failed. It didn't happen, and now the many Public Security Agents from both Dafang County, and from Bijie City, Guizhou who were involved with planning and staging this costly and nonproductive event, now had to save face for this embarrassment.

It is clear that Yimei's boyfriend Zeng, Lin sent Yimei because he may have been aware that there may be an arrest. It is agreed by all, that he is a coward and a terrible human being to set-up his girlfriend Yimei to be arrested. It's unconscionable.

Yimei has never taken drugs, or has associated with anyone who did drugs, or who was involved in drugs. Yimei loves her family, and would not do anything to bring shame to her family name.