DME American English Education


This is the small English language school that Yimei helped me to establish. Yimei was a Godsend to me. Yimei also helped me find a Teacher Assistant who could speak fluent English and Mandarin. Please know that our efforts were to help underprivileged children. We did not expect any tuition from the students.

However, our little school did not last very long. It wasn't because there wasn't enough students, because word of mouth that an American English school with an American teacher, had gotten the attention by so many students' parents that wanted their children to come to our little school.

The problem was the Chinese local government was cracking down on unlicensed businesses, especially unlicensed English training schools. Schools are controlled by the CCP, and getting a school license was impossible.

Word was speading from local small businesses that the Public Security Bureau (Police) were making their rounds in the area and have already closed shops and were imposing very stiff fines.

Yimei did not want to run the risk of me having my Passport taken, fined, and possibly be held in detention or deported. We had a family now. It wasn't worth losing that. Besides, at the time we were working on our Immigration applications to be submitted personally at the US Consulate in Guangzhou, China.